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时间:2024-03-05 18:40:27  来源:  作者:

气动衬氟调节蝶阀是由气动活塞式执行器及四氟密封蝶阀组 成。适用于温度≤180℃的腐蚀性或洁净度有一定要求的工况, 气动衬氟蝶阀是在过流部件、阀体、蝶板、阀杆上采用衬里技术 衬里较厚的高分子材料,防腐蚀性能优良,可适用于任何浓度的 酸、碱、盐及氧化剂、还原剂、有机溶剂等介质,气动衬氟蝶阀 是化工、石油、医药、食品、钢铁冶炼、造纸、水电等系统的气 体、液体、半流体的管路和容器上作截流和调节设备使用的理想 产品。

The pneumatic fluorine lining control butterfly valve is composed of pneumatic piston actuator and PTFE sealed butterfly valve.It is suitable for the situations which has certain requirement of corrosive and clean and lower than 180℃.The pneumatic fluorine lining butterfly valve is subject to lining technology to cover thick polymer material on the flow passage components, disc, valve body, and valve rod. It has excellent anti-corrosion performance and can be applied to any concentration of acid, alkali, salt, oxidant, reductant, organic solvent and other media.The pneumatic fluorine lining butterfly valve is an ideal product to be used as closure and regulation equipment on the pipe and container of gas, liquid and semi liquid in chemical, petroleum, medicine, food, iron and steel smelting, papermaking, hydropower and other systems.
