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时间:2024-03-05 16:14:12  来源:  作者:

V型调节球阀是球阀的一种,它的关闭件是半球体上开有V 字型开口,V型开口具有锋利的刃口,在球体回转过程中,关闭 件之间有擦拭作用,对介质具有强有力的切断力,球体的V型开 口与阀座流道形成一个扇形区域,在回转过程中可改变流道截 面积,形成对介质的精确调节,它是一种角回转的调节阀,其 密封性能与普通球阀相同,使它同时具备调节和开关两种功能, 与气动或电动执行器配套,广泛使用于工业过程自控系统中。 

Of V-type regulating ball valve is a kind of ball valve, it shutdown a is half sphere has aV opening, v-shaped opening has a sharp edge, in the process of rotating sphere, wiping, between the closed to the media has a strong cutting force, the sphere of the v-shaped opening port to form a fan-shaped area, with the valve seat can change the port area, in the process of rotary forming of medium precision adjustment, it is a kind of Angle of rotation of the regulator, the same as the common ball valve sealing, make it have a combination of regulation and switch two functions, equipped with pneumatic or electric actuators, widely used in industrial process control system.
