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时间:2024-03-05 18:46:15  来源:  作者:

本公司生产的系列内衬PTFE耐腐调节阀, 接触介质部位采 用高压注塑工艺,内部衬有聚四氟乙烯耐腐材料,可耐腐蚀及耐 老化功能。如:盐酸、硫酸、硝酸、氢氟酸等,又采用聚四氟乙 烯波纹管密封,广泛应用于各种工艺中对酸、碱等强腐蚀介质以 及有毒易挥发等气体、液体介质的过程控制。 

The series of PTFE lining anti-corrosion control valve is produced by the company.High pressure injection molding process is adopted for the contact medium part; and its internal lining is made of PTFE corrosion-resistant material, which can resist corrosion and aging by the media, such as hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, hydrofluoric acid, etc.The valve is sealed with PTFE bellows, and widely used in the process control of acid, alkali and other strong corrosive media, as well as toxic and volatile gas and liquid media in various processes.
