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时间:2024-03-05 17:35:15  来源:  作者:

气动薄膜切断阀是采用顶导向结构,配用多弹簧薄膜执行机 构。阀体结构形式有单座、套筒、三通等三种结构。具有结构紧 凑、重量轻、动作灵敏、流体通道呈S流线型、压降损失小、阀 容量大、拆装方便等优点。该阀接收来自调节仪表的信号,切断、 开启或改变介质流向,达到对压力、流量、温度或液位等工艺参 数自动控制。广泛应用于环保水处理、石油、化工、冶金、电力、 轻工、纺织等各种工业部门的生产过程自动控制和远程控制系统 中。 

The pneumatic diaphragm cut-off valve is subject to a top guide structure with multi spring diaphragm actuator.There are three types of valve body structure:single seat, sleeve and three-way.It has the advantages of compact structure, lightweight, sensi tv e action, S streamlined fluid passage, small pressure drop loss, large valve capacity, convenient disassembly and assembly, etc.The valve receives the signal from the regulating instrument, cuts off, opens or changes the flow direction of the fluid to achieve the automatic control of the process parameters such as pressure, flow, temperature or liquid level.It is widely used in the automatic control and remotecontrol system of production process of environmental protection water treatment, petroleum, chemical industry, metallurgy, electric power, light industry, textile and other industrial sectors.